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Volunteer for Ranked Choice Voting
July 4, July 12-14
Join FairVote Washington in celebrating the 4th of July in Auburn and tabling at Summer Fest West Seattle to educate fair-goers about ranked-choice voting (RCV) at our table! We’ll have conversations about ranked-choice voting, give out candy, and celebrate the promise of democracy.
Candidate Survivor
July 24
The Washington Bus Education Fund and The Stranger have teamed up to host a seafaring extravaganza to let YOU shape that future. Watch candidates sweat through salty inquisitions, sing sea shanties, and lip synch for their land-lubbin’ lives – all hosted by Seattle drag icon Miss Texas 1988!
Gather Signatures at Kent Farmers’ Market
Saturdays through August
OneAmerica Votes is gathering signatures to change City of Kent’s at-large city council seats to district seats! When all voters are engaged and have an opportunity to have their voices heard – our local democracy is strongest. We are at the Kent Farmers Market every Saturday until August 15th from 10AM-2PM.