Changed Your Name or Address? Update Your Voter Registration!
Voting for the Washington primary has commenced! Have you received your ballot in the mail?
If not, it could be because you moved and forgot to update your voter registration. If you changed your name or address since you last voted, double check that your information is correct. It only takes two to three minutes – here’s how to do it.
Method 1: Online at VoteWA.gov
Deadlines: Update online by July 29 to vote in the 2024 primary. Update online by October 28 to vote in the 2024 general election.
Go to VoteWA.gov, log in with your name and date of birth, then click “Update my registration.” Once you have updated your registration, you can print a new ballot and cancel any that were sent to old addresses.
Thanks in part to our coalition’s advocacy, you no longer need a Washington driver’s license to register to vote or update your registration online. You can select that you do not have a license, and register using the last four digits of your Social Security Number and an uploaded signature.
Method 2: By Mail and Paper Form
Deadlines: Form must be received by July 29 to vote in the 2024 primary. Form must be received by October 28 to vote in the 2024 general election. Mail a few business days early to ensure you meet the deadline.
You can print out the form or request forms be mailed to you. Mail it with postage to your county elections office address, which you can find on the second page of the voter registration form.
Method 3: Update by Email or Phone
Deadlines: Contact by July 29 to vote in the 2024 primary. Contact by October 28 to vote in the 2024 general election.
Call or email your county elections office to update your voter information.
Method 4: Update in Person
Deadlines: You can update your registration and vote in-person up until 8pm on Election Day (August 6 for the primary, November 5 for the general election).
Go to a voting center if you have missed the online and mail registration deadline.
Method 5: Automatic Voter Registration
Thanks in part to our coalition’s advocacy, your voter registration should be automatically updated if you recently changed your information with the Department of Licensing. Double-check at VoteWA.gov to make sure your information is correct.
Does the address on your driver’s license have to be updated before registering to vote online?
No! You just need a valid license number or the last 4 digits of your social security number and signature.
What if you miss the deadline to register by mail or online?
You can still register, update your information, and vote in-person up until 8pm on Election Day at a voting center.
What if you are experiencing homelessness or do not have a traditional address?
You can still register to vote! Use an identifiable location as your place of residence (such as cross streets or a landmark), and set your mailing address as “general delivery” at a post office address. Then pick up your ballot at that post office during the voting period.
What if you are a student from out of state?
You can still vote in Washington as long as you do not turn in your ballot from your home state, and you have been residing in Washington for 30 days. If you register using a dorm address, make sure to list your room number – don’t use a PO box!
Share this post with anyone you know who has moved recently or changed their name – we need everyone to have their voice heard this year.
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