37% of young adults in the US have relocated because of the pandemic. Did you know that you have to re-register to vote every time you change addresses?
Here’s all the info you need:
If you have a Washington state driver’s license, you can update your registration online at VoteWA.gov *before Oct. 26.*
If you do not have a Washington driver’s license, you have to re-register using the paper form. Print out the form, have it mailed to you, or register in person. If you mail it in, it must be *received* by Oct. 26, so do it now! https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/register.aspx
More FAQ:
Does the address on your WA license have to be updated before registering to vote online?
No! You just need a valid license number. Otherwise you’ll use the last 4 digits of your social security number on the paper form.
What if you miss the deadline to register by mail or online?
You can still register in-person up until 8pm on Election Day, Nov. 3. Please try to register early though – 2020 is not the year for last minute problems with your registration!
What if you are homeless or do not have a traditional address?
You can still register! Use an identifiable location as your place of residence (such as cross streets or a landmark), and set your mailing address as “general delivery” at a post office address.
What if you are a student from out of state?
You can still vote in Washington as long as you do not turn in your ballot from your home state, and you have been residing in Washington for 30 days. If you register using a dorm address, make sure to list your room number – don’t use a PO box!
Share this post with anyone you know who has moved recently – we need everyone to have their voice heard this year.
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